Donnerstag, Dezember 20, 2007


its presents time

Presents- a dear friend of mine said last Sunday, that she realises when she is in love with someone, how many presents she can think of for that person. I know the feeling very well – walking around and thinking: “my crush would loooove this”, “that is exactly what my flirt would laugh a lot about”, “oh, I must buy that for my dear!”, “yesterday we talked about it, I must download, print, order, make….”. And when things are settled I would have little presents and things to give all the time, when things are in a flirt stage, I already learned, that this is dangerous, as it scares people away.
But – there is a another category. There is no doubt that I love my family, though I have no clue what to give some of my dearest relatives as Christmas present. Lets take my Granny – I gave her candles, pictures of her loving granddaughter, decoration stuff, coffee-table books, fancy cooking equipment … but somehow … after table cloth and jewellery … she has everything she needs, she has no hobbies- no matter how much I love her, it is always difficult to get inspired on what to buy for her; and believe me, it is even more difficult with my Grandpa.
This year it is also very difficult with my mum. I spent more time with her this year then in the last decade, which means I had a lot of presents for her throughout the year; Audio books, fragrances, scarves, DVD’s, bath oils, travel guides, … so – after all these years of music, art supply, chinaware – I am totally uninspired this year.
Anyhow, the presents are assembled – now I just need to hope everyone likes them, despite a slight lack of muse.

i totally agree.. i do not have many presents this year. as transporting them from one country to other is difficult and the family in berlin i will first see in february.. but i totally agree that for beloved ones, one just knows all the presents and finds them on every step..:-)
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